Our curriculum and instruction are designed for student success in online learning.
Course Offerings
We offer more than 300 courses to Catholic schools and families for students in grades K-12. Select from a wide selection of core, elective, honors, Advanced Placement®, high school credit recovery, and religion courses.

Summer Learning
Move ahead, explore a new subject, or make up high school credits with us during the summer. Become a school partner to offer your students a flexible, high-quality summertime learning experience. Students also can enroll with us directly.

Learn How Catholic Virtual
Can Partner with Your School
Learn how Catholic Virtual can help your school deliver high-quality online education designed for Catholic classrooms.
Partner With Catholic Virtual

Are You a Parent or Student
Interested in Catholic Virtual?
Learn how Catholic Virtual can help you achieve your Catholic education goals with our flexible, high-quality program.
Learn About Catholic Virtual
Accreditations and affiliations ensuring a world-class online and blended education