Fill Teacher Vacancies
We offer a solution to the teacher shortage crisis by providing online courses and instruction for the full range of K-12 subjects. We provide teachers for a semester, over the summer, or as a permanent addition to your staffing.
School Partners rate program management good or better
Have a live course up and
running within
10 Days

Fill Your Teacher Vacancy with a Catholic School Teacher
There is no need to cancel a course, hire substitutes, or compromise on teacher quality due to a shortage of qualified teachers. Bring Catholic Virtual into your classroom, live and in real-time.
We are Online Learning Experts for Catholic Schools
At Catholic Virtual, we specialize in online learning delivered fully online or as part of your classroom/online blended instruction. With Catholic Virtual, you know you are getting a high-quality learning experience infused with Catholic values.
Our Teachers
Catholic Virtual teachers are highly qualified and trained for the Catholic school classroom.

Our Courses
With more than 300 courses in K-12 core, electives, honors and Advanced Placement®, credit recovery, and religion, we have many options to support and enhance your curriculum and instruction and provide a high-quality learning experience.

Learn How Catholic Virtual Can Partner with Your School
Learn how Catholic Virtual can help your school deliver high-quality online education designed for Catholic schools.
Partner With Us
Accreditations and affiliations ensuring a world-class online and blended education